Ask a Tim

Finally an answer to all your questions about everything. Not only an answer, but an answer from a Tim! E-mail all questions to or by clicking on the link on the left hand menu bar titled "Get your questions answered" and leaving a comment! I will reply (if I can) as soon as possible!

Monday, October 10, 2005

To Infinity and Beyond...

Dear Tim,

How do I attain zero-gravity without going into space?
-Floating in Florida

Dear Floating,

The main way to experience zero-g (as the insiders call it) would be to travel to a very great height (like 2 miles up or so?) and then head towards the ground very quickly. During the minute or so it takes for you to impact upon the ground you will experience a near heavenly sense of weightlessness that typically only astronauts get to enjoy.

NASA actually uses this technique to familiarize new astronauts with being weightless. Of course they don't crash, they take the plane through a series of manuevers similar to that of a roller coaster. Hollywood has also used this technique for films like Apollo 13.

Have you ever ridden one of the many rides that take you really high into the air, only to quickly drop you back down? If yes, then that is probably the closest most people will get to zero-g. Next time you are riding one of these rides, put a couple of pennies on your knee. As you drop (if you keep you eyes open) you will notice the pennies floating weightlessly over your knee. (I'm pretty sure this is not allowed by the park, so don't let them see you.)

The only other way to do this doesn't exist. That would be to create a personal anti-gravitational device that would nullify the effects of gravity around you. Actually, there was a young inventor named Johan VonSchrodendinger that developed one in the early 20's. Unfortunately for him, as his device did not have an off switch, he is now orbiting somewhere in the vicinity of Mercury. Unfortunately for the rest of us, he kept all of his notes in an undecipherable unknown language.
:: posted by timothy, 4:48 PM


I think you made that last part up
Anonymous Anonymous, at October 11, 2005 7:47 AM  

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