Ask a Tim
Ask a Tim
Finally an answer to all your questions about everything. Not only an answer, but an answer from a Tim! E-mail all questions to or by clicking on the link on the left hand menu bar titled "Get your questions answered" and leaving a comment! I will reply (if I can) as soon as possible!
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Frequently Asked Questions
No, I highly value e-mail privacy and will not sell your e-mail address to others, send any type of message to your e-mail address, or post your e-mail for others to see. I am not doing this page to make money. I'm doing it to fill a void in my soul!
What kind of questions will you answer?
What kind of questions do you have?
Why would I want to ask you any questions?
Well, you wouldn't, but maybe others would, so lets give them a chance!
Do you have any qualifications, that make you qualified for this?
No, I'm just a regular guy whose brain sponges up the most random information you can find.
What if somebody reading your blog has a better answer to a question? Can they expand on your answer?
If I am unable to answer a questions completely, or if you feel, for some reason that my answer is somehow inadequate, feel free to post a comment with the "correct" answer. That's why comments are enabled after all!
Are the names you post the real names people give?
It depends. In most cases names are changed mostly for alliteration reasons, but also, I guess, to protect the innocent. In the cases where "askers" are other bloggers who provide their blog name, I will use that and hotlink it, so their blog can get some publicity!
What makes Tim's so gosh darned special?
That is one question I don't know the answer to, other than that we just are. Don't believe me? Ask another Tim.
Why should we believe your answers, what are you motives for this?
You should absolutely never believe anyone100% of the time without verifying the source. But I can promise you my motives here are boredom, and lack of job satisfaction. I will not "jerk your chain" and will give honest answers to the best of my ability.
Did you eat paint chips as a child?
You'd be surprised how often I'm asked that! But no, I did not. I'm just your average everyday dork.
Can we ask you questions about Star Wars?
Why, yes, you can! Realize, though, that my answers will most likely be limited to the original 3 movies, as anything that George Lucas produced after he went crazy in the mid 90's should not be compared to level of greatness acheived with Empire Strikes Back.
[publisher's note: George Lucas did not actually go crazy]
Can we ask you questions about The Lord of the Rings?
I will answer any questions you may ask.
Can we ask you questions about Star Trek?
Geez, what's with all the nerds, this is not a forum for debating all things nerdy! It is here as a public service... ...and no, I hate Star Trek!
What's that e-mail address again?
Do I have to capitalize it like that?
No, you don't!