Ask a Tim

Finally an answer to all your questions about everything. Not only an answer, but an answer from a Tim! E-mail all questions to or by clicking on the link on the left hand menu bar titled "Get your questions answered" and leaving a comment! I will reply (if I can) as soon as possible!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The oracle has left the mountain top...

I'll be heading out of town this weekend, and that means I won't be available to answer your questions until next week. But keep submitting and I'll keep answering!

Hurry up and ask while you still have a chance to be the first on your block to join the craze that is sweeping the nation! "Ask a Tim" is not just your grandfather's blog anymore!
:: posted by timothy, 8:15 AM


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Blogger Elizabeth Taylor, at November 09, 2005 11:53 AM  

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