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Finally an answer to all your questions about everything. Not only an answer, but an answer from a Tim! E-mail all questions to or by clicking on the link on the left hand menu bar titled "Get your questions answered" and leaving a comment! I will reply (if I can) as soon as possible!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
This morning while taking a walk I saw a "pack" of women "walking their children" in strollers. This led to a question I think only you could answer: Where do soccer moms come from?
Dear Thinker,
Before we can answer where do they come from, we first need to define what they are. Soccer Mom (genus Momus Soccercalis) is a term that was popularized in the late 90's as a genre of voters characterized by their married with children status. They are typically upper-middle class and in the ever dwindling single income family group (characterized by one spouse working, the other staying at home with the kids).
They can be identified by:
-their large SUV's, Volvo's, or minivans covered with stickers about their children,
-their (typically) white, pasty skin, and overprotective nature which is exhibited by staying at little league practice to make sure the coach is being "fair",
-their affair with the pool boy named Pablo,
-and by continuing to shelter their children by fighting their battles for them in college.
Cleopatra was the first. We all know about her role as queen, but did you also know she was her son's den mother in Anubis Scouts!
Joan of Arc is the perfect example of what happens when women are left with unstructured time.
And of course, though Margaret Thatcher was the leader of Great Britain for so many years, she also had time to be head of the PTA for her child's class.
In fact, I believe my mother would have been a soccer mom, though she didn't know it at the time. Odds are, your mother was a soccer mom too!
Can you imagine a world without soccer moms? Grocery stores, empty in the middle of the day! Little league fields, conspicuously empty. And children, growing up on their own, learning to be more independant and make their choices! It brings a shudder, doesn't it!